Also to get some new conclusion of glacial lakes burst floods , in possibility study of glacial lake burst , and in qualitified study of the safety of the glacial lakes . the first character of this paper introduce the background of this paper , set the goal , content and methodlogy of the study work in this paper . the second chapter of this paper focuses on the meterological character , runoff composition character , why not correspondency of ratio of rainfall and runoff in same period to annual value for nianchu river , lasha river , niyang river and the middle reach of yalu - zangbu river 本文第一章介绍了课题的研究背景,提出了研究目标、内容和方法;第二章重点分析了年楚河、拉萨河、尼洋河和雅鲁藏布江干流中游段的气候特征,径流组成特性,同期降水、径流占年总量比例的不对应特性和原因,径流年内年际变化规律及径流深分布特性,分析了天然洪水的特点和洪水参数;第三章介绍了冰川终碛湖的特点,结合已经发生溃决的冰川终碛湖的有关调查资料和考察资料,分析提出了危险冰湖判别指标和发生溃决的气候条件、周期性特征,提出了冰湖溃决洪水的计算途径。