- onychostoma elongata
- varicorhinus elongatus
- 细长 tall and slender; tenuous; l ...
- 白 white
- 甲鱼 soft-shelled turtle
- 白甲鱼 onychostoma angustistomata; onychostoma sima; varicorhinus simus
- 白甲鱼属 onychostoma
- 长鳍白甲鱼 onychostoma macracantha; varicorhinus macracanthus
- 粗须白甲鱼 onychostoma barbata
- 大渡白甲鱼 onychostoma daduensis
- 短身白甲鱼 onychostoma brevis
- 多鳞白甲鱼 onychostoma macrolepis
- 高体白甲鱼 onychostoma alticorpus
- 菱形白甲鱼 varicorhinus ovalis rhomboides
- 卵形白甲鱼 onychostoma ovalis; varicorhinus ovalis ovalis
- 南方白甲鱼 onychostoma gerlachi; varicorhinus gerachi
- 少鳞白甲鱼 varicorhinus acanthopterus
- 四川白甲鱼 onychostoma angustistomata
- 稀有白甲鱼 onychostoma rara
- 细尾白甲鱼 onychostoma leptura
- 小口白甲鱼 onychostoma lini
- 白湾岛白甲鱼 onychostoma barbatula
- 珠江卵形白甲鱼 onychostoma rhomboides
- 白甲 canities unguium
- 长白 chang pei; changbai
- 甲鱼 (鳖) soft-shelled turtle
- 细长 tall and slender; tenuous; long and thin 细长的身材 a tall and slender figure