This subtle difference is very important 这种细微的差异极其重要。
Components compiled with visual basic 2005 have subtle run - time differences compared to components compiled with visual basic 6 . 0 使用visual basic 2005编译的组件与使用visual basic 6 . 0编译的组件在运行时具有细微的差异。
Most of the comparison screen is pretty much self - explanatory , however the process of comparing two players has changed slightly from that in cm3 不论比较球员过程与cm3相比有了细微的差异,大部分的比较窗口还是非常一目了然的,是自我解释型的。
In particular , analyses that were large enough to detect small differences in scores could not control for the vast differences in the way that children in separate families were raised 但是之前关于智商差异的研究并无定论,特别是大量分析足够发现大批细微的差异,但是无法发现更多差异如果孩子们由父母分别抚养。
If medicine is the primary driver of widespread sequencing , however , we will be largely resequencing the human genome looking for minute variations in individuals ' dna , and short read - lengths will not be such a problem 然而如果届时定序普及化的动机是医学上的需要,我们的工作主要是重新定序人类基因组,找寻个人dna中细微的差异,那麽读取长度短也就不是问题。
While new service needs to open , the system can realize the addition of new service through transferring the service stencil dynamically and does not need to modify too many codes . however , if the slight difference in the procedure , will cause the service stencil ca n ' t be used , only to increase the new stencil again 通过业务模版的动态调用,再有新的业务需要开通时,系统不需要修改太多的代码就可以实现业务的添加,但是,如果流程上有细微的差异,就会导致业务模版不能使用,只能再增加新的模版。