线性方程组 a system of simultaneous linear equations; lineares gleichungssystem linear system of equations; system of linear equations; set of linear equation; solving linear equations; system of linear equations
Simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns 联合二次线性方程式
Basic linear algebra in matlab ? . vector and matrix addition and multiplication . solving sets of linear equations using matrices 使用matlab软体中的基础线性代数、向量和阵列的加法与乘法,以及使用阵列解决多组线性方程式。
We prove that , when . each column of a is orthogonal , the system of fixed - point boolean equations has the same set of orthogonal solutions and of orthonormal solutions as the linear boolean equation then we reduce the total number of orthonormal solutions of the system of fixed - point boolean equation ax = x [ theorem 2 . 3 ~ 2 . 4 ] ( 2 )证明了列直交不动点方程组与线性方程式有相同的直交解和正交解。并依此在有限布尔代数上定出了列直交不动点方程组的全部正交解数[定理2 . 3 2 . 4 ] 。