- 线性 linear; linearity
- 尺度 scale; dimension; admeasurem ...
- 线性尺度变换 linear scaling
- 抗爆性尺度 knock rating scale
- 特性尺度 characteristic dimension
- 稳定性尺度 stability measure
- 不均匀性尺度 inhomogeneity scale
- 线性尺寸 linear dimension; linear size
- 标注线性尺寸 linear
- 线性尺寸的测定 cellular plastics and rubbersdetermination of linear dimensionsns
- 弹性尺 elastic scaler
- 尺度 scale; dimension; admeasurement; measure; yardstick 精确尺度 accurate measurement; 以高尺度要求 measure by a high standard; 利润并不是衡量成功的唯一尺度。 profit is not the only yardstick of success
- 衬垫受潮后的线性尺寸稳定性的试验方法 standard test method for linear dimensional stability of a gasket material to moisture
- 利用非线性滤波进行多尺度拐角检测 using nonlinear filtering for multi-scale corner detection
- 关键性尺寸 cd:critical dimension
- 挠性尺寸 flexible dimension
- 伸缩性尺耙 flexible tooth barrow
- 特性尺寸 characteristic dimension
- 线性 [数学] [物理学] linear; linearity◇线性代数 linear algebra; 线性方程 linear equation; 线性规划 linear program; mathematical programming; linear programming; 线性函数 linear function
- θ尺度 theta scale
- 尺度比 linear ratio; proportion of principal dimensions
- 尺度点 scale point
- 尺度名 ell
- 尺度索 knotted wire; measuring wire; wire with attached buttons
- 尺度线 dimension line