- 线 thread; string; wire
- 和解 compromise; become reconcile ...
- 和解 compromise; become reconciled; conciliate; reconciliate; reconciliation 采取和解的态度 adopt a conciliatory attitude; 和解办法 terms of settlement; 和解解决 compromise solution; 和解清算 liquidation by compromise; 和解书 [法律] reconciliation agreement
- 总线和 l2cache
- 和解, 讲和 make it up
- 和解, 停战 bury the hatchet
- 和解,调和 reconciliation
- 和解,调解 tra actio; transactio
- 和解,化装 make up
- 和解党 parti de la reconciliation du peuple; people's reconciliation party
- 和解的 propitiatory/reconciliatory; reconciliatory
- 和解人 conciliator
- 和解书 reconciliation agreement
- 和解性 pacific
- 和解者 composer; conciliator; propitiator
- 交恶 - 和解 estrangement - rapprochement
- 使和解 heal; reconcile
- 妥协;和解 compound with
- 未和解 unreconciled
- 与和解 reconcile with; reconcilewith
- 电线和电缆 electric wire and cable; electrical wires and cables
- 极线和极面 polar line and plane
- 快速换线和 jit
- 描线和着色 i&p(ink & paint
- 曲线和直线 freehand strokes/straight line strokes