There are numerous inherited antigens on the surface of the human erythrocyte . 在人的红细胞表面上存在许多遗传的抗原。
Blood plasma has a concentration of sodium ions almost 6 times as great as that in the red cell . 血浆中钠离子浓度比红细胞几乎大6倍。
The reticulocytes normally constitute about 1% of the total number of circulation red cells . 正常时,网织红细胞约占血流中红细胞总数的1。
Released kidney lysosomal enzymes may be concerned in the generation of erythropoietin . 释放的肾脏溶酶体的酶可能与产生促红细胞生成素有关。
Erythrocytes recently released by the bone marrow into the bloodstream often contain ribosomal rna . 刚从骨髓释放入血流不久的红细胞含有核蛋白体RNA。
If there is shock with an elevated hematocrit, then the plasma volume loss of peritonitis is suggested . 如果休克伴有红细胞压积升高,则提示腹膜炎伴有血浆溶量损失。
There is no evidence that the exo-erythrocytic stages in the liver produce any significant degree of immunity . 并无证据证明在肝内的红细胞外期,可产生任何有效程度的免役。
Hemadsorbing viruses can be titrated by counting the number of focal areas to which rbcs are absorbed . 具有血细胞吸附力的病毒滴定,可以通过计算吸附红细胞的集中区数来完成。
In influenza and some paramyxo-viruses the surface hemagglutinin, which is a glycoprotein attaches to the b.b.c containing complementary receptor . 流感病毒和某些副粘病毒的表面血红细胞凝集素是一种糖蛋白,可附着于含互补受体的红细胞上。