- 红海 the Red Sea
- 葵 certain herbaceous plants wi ...
- 属 join; combine
- 海葵属 helenopolypus
- 红海葵 actinia
- 海葵属幼虫 arachnactis
- 海葵 actinian; sea anemone
- 红海 [地理学] the red sea
- 锦葵属 hibiscus; malva
- 秋葵属 abelmoschus
- 蜀葵属 althaea
- 海葵毒 actinocongestin; congestin
- 海葵类 actinia
- 海葵目 actiniaria; sea anemone
- 海葵素 actinine thalassin; aktinine; congestin; thalassin
- 角海葵 cerianthid
- 红海葱 dethdiet; raxon; red squill, rodine; red squills; scillirosid; squill
- 红海盗 the crimson pirate
- 红海龟 loggerhead
- 红海军 soviet navy
- 红海绵 tedemia ignis
- 红海省 al bahr al ahmar; badr el ahmar mudiriyat; bahr el ahmar mudiriyat; bahr el ahmar muhafaza el; governorate red sea; mudiriyat bahr el ahmar; muhafaza el bahr el ahmar; red sea governorate; red sea prov; red sea state; red sea, prov
- 红海湾 honghai wan
- 红海妖 the red siren
- 红海榄 rhizophora stylosa