飘扬 wave; flutter; fly 飘扬在广场上空的红旗 a red flag floating above the square; 红旗迎风飘扬。 the red flags are waving in the breeze. 旗帜在空中飘扬。 flags are waving in the air
红旗 red flag; red banner 升起五星红旗 hoist the five-starred red flag; 红旗手 red-banner pacesetter
迎风 1.(对着风) facing the wind; against the wind; windward 迎风航行 sail close to [near] the wind; headwind sailing (帆船运动); pointing; 迎风前进 haul upon the wind2.(随风)down the wind; with the wind3.[航海学] aweather 迎风使舵! helm aweather
红旗报 bandera roja; de rode vaan; die rote fahne; drapeau rouge le; drapelul rosu; krasnoe znamya; lal nishan; le drapeau rouge; pulang bandila; red standard the; rode vaan de; steagul rosu