- 纂 compile; edit
- 嘴 名词1.(口的通称) mouth 歪嘴 wry-mouthed; 噘起嘴 purse up one's lips2.(形状或作用像嘴的东西) anything shaped or functioning like a mouth 山嘴 the spur of a hill; 茶壶嘴 the spout of a teapot; 烟嘴儿 cigarette holder3.(指说话) talk; speak 回嘴 answer [talk] back; 别多嘴 ! shut up
- 纂严 zuan yan
- 嘴, 鼻 neb
- 纂修 compile; edit; prepare
- 嘴,喷嘴,喷管,吹口 nozzle
- 纂辑史料 collect and edit historical materials
- 嘴巴 1.[口语] (嘴部附近) face 打嘴巴 slap sb. in the face; box sb.'s ears2.[方言] (口) mouth
- 纂辑 compile 纂辑史料 collect and edit historical materials
- 嘴巴,口 mouth
- 纂 Ⅰ动词[书面语] (编辑) compile; editⅡ名词1.[方言] (妇女梳在头后边的发髻) (of a woman's hair) bun2.(姓氏) a surname 纂严 zuan yan
- 纂纂的俄语:pinyin:zuǎnzuǎn собираться, скопляться
- 纂纂什么意思:集聚貌。 ▶ 《文选‧潘岳<笙赋>》: “咏园桃之夭夭, 歌枣下之纂纂。” ▶ 李善 注: “古《咄喑歌》曰: ‘枣下何攒攒, 荣华各有时……’攒, 聚貌。 纂与攒, 古字通。” ▶ 唐 韩愈 《游青龙寺赠崔大补阙》诗: “ 桃源 迷路竟茫茫, 《枣下》悲歌徒纂纂。” ▶ 《林则...