510 we can offer a discount in progre ive stages according to the size of the order 根据订购数量的大小,我们可提供累进的折扣。
510 we can offer a discount in progressive stages according to the size of the order 根据订购数量的大小,我们可提供累进的折扣。
In the period of the war of resistance against japanese ( 1937 - 1945 ) , the shanxi - chahaer - hebei border area government set up a system of the agricultural tax paid in grain to save the nation , including the imposition principle of unified progression , the stockpiling method storing grain among the people , and the way drawing again by ticket only 摘要抗日战争时期,晋察冀边区政府为适应敌后游击战争的特殊需要,创设了一整套不同于传统完粮纳税形式的救国公粮制度,它包括统一累进的征收原则、藏粮于民的储存办法、凭票领粮的支取方式。