

音标:[ zǐzhī ]   发音:
  • ganoderma japonicum lloyd
  • ganoderma japonicumlloyd
  • shishiba



  • 例句与用法
  • Professor rosie young
  • Prof rosie young
  • The tlqpr panel comprising 14 experts headed by prof . rosie tse - tse young , visited the university on january 15 and 16 , 2003
  • Made of ganoderma sinense and cut it into slices , can be soaked with water , wine , or used in cook . necessary of home
  • Reply form the 15th world congress of pharmacology iuphar - 2006 please return this form to the congress secretariat before july 1 , 2005 . name prof . dr . mr . ms .
    结果供试的不同名称的灵芝菌种大部分是赤芝类菌种17 30 ,其次是紫芝6 30和松杉灵芝4 30 。
  • The two co - chairpersons of the sars expert committee , sir cyril and professor sian griffiths , and two local members , professor rosie young and professor lee shiu - hung had agreed to join a monitoring committee to oversee the implementation of recommendations
  • The result of morphological characters showed that cluster analysis at 50 % similarity level showed that all strains could be clustered into six groups , the first included xianzhi , daxian 823 , nanhan , yuanzhi , tianzhi , hanzhi ; the second included chizhi 10 , chizhi 12 , chizhi , ribenhongzhi , ribenpingzhi ; the third included zizhi , heizhi ; the fourth included xuezhi , jingdalingzhi ; the fifth included baizhi ; the sixth included ribenchizhi
    分析结果表明:在相似水平为50 %时供试菌株聚合为6类:第1类包括以韩芝为代表的7个菌株;第2类包括以赤芝为代表的5个菌株;第3类包括紫芝和黑芝;第4类为血芝和京大灵芝;第5类为白芝;第6类为日本赤芝。
  • The 14 - member tlqpr panel comprising local and overseas academics , headed by prof . rosie young , visited the university last september to review its taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and research postgraduate education as well as the programmes offered by the teacher education division and college of international education of the school of continuing education
  • 其他语种释义
  • 紫芝的日语:等同于(请查阅) língzhī 【灵芝】
  • 紫芝的韩语:[명사]〈식물〉 ‘灵芝’(영지)와 비슷한 검은 버섯.
  • 紫芝的俄语:pinyin:zǐzhī 1) чудесный гриб (символ долголетия и счастья); чудесный, прекрасный 2) бот. трутовик японский (Fomes japonicus Fr.)
  • 紫芝什么意思:  1.  真菌的一种。 也称木芝。 似灵芝。 菌盖半圆形, 上面赤褐色, 有光泽及云纹;下面淡黄色, 有细孔。 菌柄长, 有光泽。 生于山地枯树根上。 可入药, 性温味甘, 能益精气, 坚筋骨。 古人以为瑞草。 道教以为仙草。    ▶ 汉 王充 《论衡‧验符》: “ 建初 三年, 零陵 泉陵 女子 傅宁 宅, 土中忽生芝草五本, 长者尺四五寸,...
  • 推荐英语阅读
紫芝的英文翻译,紫芝英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译紫芝,紫芝的英文意思,紫芝的英文紫芝 meaning in English紫芝的英文紫芝怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
