Status and prospects of schleichera oleosa ' s propagation 紫胶虫优良寄主植物久树的繁殖技术
Standard specification for shellac varnishes 紫胶清漆标准规范
Shellac used as food additive 食品添加剂.紫胶虫胶
Methods of sampling lac products 紫胶产品取样方法
Methods of testing lac products 紫胶产品检验方法
Food additive - lac dye 食品添加剂紫胶红色素
Specification for orange shellac and other indian lacs for electrical insulation 电气绝缘用柑桔虫胶和其他印度紫胶规范
Seed lac - specification 颗粒紫胶
Standard specification for orange shellac and other indian lacs for electrical insulation 电绝缘材料用橙色紫胶和其他印度虫胶标准规范
Words from ancient india speak of products like sugar , cotton ( cloth ) , camphor , lac , glass , alloys of metals ( e . g . brass ) 来自古代印度的字词谈及到了蔗糖,棉花(衣服) ,樟脑,紫胶,玻璃,合金(比如黄铜)等产品。