Mothers were four times more likely than women without children to be hospitalized with a mental illness 初产妇因患精神疾患入院的数量是未产妇的4倍。
In current society , the rate of mental diseases becomes more and more high and mental disorder criminals also increase 摘要当今社会,精神疾患比率越来越高,精神障碍者犯罪也呈上升趋势。
Methods : participants were volunteers of working - age , free from prior mental disorders and recruited via occupational health centres 方法:参试人员是在职的志愿者,以前无精神疾患以及来自职业健康中心的新成员。
Among fathers , only 0 . 37 of 1 , 000 births resulted in a mental disorder , which was comparable to men without children or men with an older infant 而在孩子父亲中与未育或者子女较大的父亲相比,只有0 . 37 / 1000的初为人父的男性患精神疾患。
Chicago ( reuters ) - first - time mothers are at increased risk for mental disorders while fathers do not share that risk , danish researchers said on tuesday 芝加哥(路透社)丹麦的研究者星期二说,初产妇易患精神疾患,而孩子的父亲却没有这种现象。
Legal capacity - to have the legal capacity to enter a valid contract , a person must have reached the age of majority and be free of mental impairment or incompetence 要素三:法律能力,当事人必须达到法定的年龄,且无精神疾患,具备完全民事行为能力。
The impact of having medical problems in addition to schizophrenia is significant , affecting both quality of life and delivery of psychiatric and medical services 除精神疾患外,生理疾病引发的问题是严重的,它影响患者的生活质量以及加重了患者的医疗开销。
Individuals with conditions such as mental illness , low self - esteem , panic and anxiety , eating disorders , dysfunctional learning and relationships are treated 对有精神疾患、自卑情绪、焦虑、饮食障碍、学习困难、人际关系紧张等问题的朋友提供不同形式的帮助。
Supplementary classification , mental disorders , and respiratory system diseases were the three leading disease classifications , occupying 66 . 6 % of all disease classifications 补充类别、心理精神疾患及呼吸系统疾病为青少年前三项健康问题类别,共占所有健康问题之66 . 6 。
The fda has asked the committee ? whose members are listed here ? to vote on several key questions ( listed here ) , including whether the drug increases the risk of psychological problems , whether the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks , and whether , if the drug is approved , it should carry specific warnings Fda要求该委员会就几个关键问题进行表决,这包括该药物是否提高精神疾患的风险、受益是否大于风险、如果获得批准,是否需要附加特别警示。