This is the histologic pattern of the typical seminoma 典型的精原细胞瘤组织学类型。
The mass lesion seen here in the testis is a seminoma 睾丸中见到肿块病变是精原细胞瘤。
Note the lymphoid stroma between the nests of seminoma 在精原细胞瘤癌巢中可见淋巴间质。
Normal testis appears at the left , and seminoma is present at the right 左侧为正常睾丸,右侧为精原细胞瘤。
From spermatogonial proliferation to spermiation spend 11 - 12 months 精原细胞的增殖是否从11月份就开始还有待探讨。
The seminoma cells are large with vesicular nuclei , and pale watery cytoplasm 精原细胞瘤癌细胞巨大、泡状核和胞浆疏松。
The one that is most likely to be of one histologic type is seminoma , as in the testis seen here 精原细胞瘤是最可能只有一种组织学类型的,如这个睾丸中所见。
They often have several histologic components : seminoma , embryonal carcinoma , teratoma , choriocarcinoma 通常有以下几种组织学构成:精原细胞瘤、胚胎癌、畸胎瘤、绒毛膜癌。
Here is a testicular neoplasm that is mostly teratoma , but embryonal carcinoma and seminoma were found microscopically 主要成分为畸胎瘤的睾丸肿瘤,但在显微镜下胚胎癌和精原细胞瘤都可找到。
The gross and microscopic appearance of an ovarian dysgerminoma is essentially the same as a seminoma of the testis in a male 卵巢的无性细胞瘤肉眼和显微镜下表现基本上与男性睾丸的精原细胞瘤一致。