- 精力 energy; vigour; vim
- 恢复 resume; renew; return to
- 剂 a pharmaceutical or other ch ...
- 恢复剂 restorative
- 免疫恢复剂 immunomormalizing agents
- 强壮恢复剂 reconstituent
- 冲压力恢复 ram pressure recovery
- 法力恢复 mana regeneration
- 视力恢复 return time of vision
- 体力恢复 stamina regeneration
- 体力恢复药 restorative
- 听力恢复 hearing restoration; recruitment of hearing
- 推力恢复 thrust recovery
- 心力恢复 heart resurrection
- 压力恢复 buildup of pressure; pressure recovery
- 压力恢复期 build-uperiod
- 应力恢复 stress loss correction; stress restoration
- 原力恢复 regen force points
- 恢复精力 second wind
- 使恢复精力 refresh
- 冲压压力恢复 ram pressure recovery
- 低压力恢复阀 low speed balancing; low-recovery valve
- 地层应力恢复 formation restressing
- 高压力恢复阀 high resolution diffraction attachment; high-revovery valve
- 激波压力恢复 shock pressure recovery