- 粘贴 paste; stick
- 服装 dress; clothing; costume; fa ...
- 标签 label; sticker
- 服装标签 garment label
- 贴头, 包装标签 parcel label
- 服装标牌 labels & tags
- 粘贴标签 tack seal
- 粘贴的标签 sticking labels
- 粘贴 paste; stick 粘贴标语 paste up slogans
- 化学危险品蒸汽防护服装标准 standard on vapor-protective ensembles for hazardous materials emergencies
- 消防员近距离灭火用保护服装标准 standard on protective ensemble for proximity fire fighting
- 标签 label; tag; counter mark; pag; mark; tally; swatch (染布时用); reader; price tag 价目标签 price tag; 贴上标签 stick on a label; 标签编码 label coding; 标签纸板 tagboard
- 服装 dress; clothing; costume; fashion; apparel; garment; [意大利] abito; iridescent; threads; toggery; fig; business; rig; habiliment; sartorial 现成服装 ready-made clothes; 服装讲究的人 a fashionable dresser; (足球队员)特制彩条服装 strip; 男演员们穿着维多利亚时代的服装。 the actors were in victorain costumes.; 服装表演 fashion show; 服装裁剪师 cutter; 服装厂 clothing factory; 服装尺寸样板 sloper; 服装店 [英国] clothes shop; clothing store; toggery; 服装缝制 garment sewing; 服装工人 makers-up; 服装工业 garment [apparel] industry; 服装工艺 habilimentation; 服装量裁 garment measure and cutting; 服装迷 a fancy dresser; 服装描画师 apparel sketcher; 服装模特 fashion model; 服装模特儿 mannequin; 服装人体模型 dress form; 服装商店 clothes shop; clothing store; 服装设计 dress designing; costume designing; clothing design; 服装设计师 apparel stylist; 服装饰边 garnishing; 服装文化 clothing design; 服装系 department of taxtile and costume design; 服装镶边 mat braid;服装心理学 psychology of fashion; 服装型号系列 standardized clothing sizes; 服装样板 template; 服装样片 fashion plate; 服装样式 model; tenue; habit; 服装样式广告 fashion plate; 服装腰带 ceinture
- 胶合,粘贴 glue
- 块粘贴 paste as block
- 上传,粘贴 post, upload
- 粘贴,张贴 stick
- 粘贴板 clipboard
- 粘贴簿 album
- 粘贴槽 splice tray
- 粘贴衬 affixture
- 粘贴的 stickup
- 粘贴机 gluer; gummer
- 粘贴力 adherence force
- 粘贴料 dom-ii