- not a single arrow missed its target
- 不虚伪 honesty
- 虚发点 dummy source
- 不虚此生 not to spend one's life in vain; not to live in vain
- 不虚此行 one's trip wasn't for nothing.; the journey has not been made in vain.; the traveling was not fruitless.; the trip [journey] has been well worthwhile.; this trip is certainly not taken in vain.; it's been a worthwhile trip.; one's trip is not a waste of time
- 不虚饰的 unostentatious
- 不虚妄性 its reality contra the unreality of phenomena
- 不虚伪的 bare; sincere; unfeigned; veridical
- 不虚伪地 unfeignedly; veridically
- 不虚伪假装 unpretendious
- 话不虚传 that remark is true
- 名不虚传 have a well-deserved reputation; be equal to one's reputation; be true to one's name; deserve the reputation one enjoys; enjoy no empty reputation; justify what people say about one; it is not an empty name one has.; live up to one's name [reputation]; one's fame is indeed deserved.; the reputation is well supported by fact.; truly, it is not in vain that you bear your name.: 人们都说“桂林山水甲天下”, 到桂林一看, 果然名不虚传。 people say: “guilin's scenery is peerless in the world.” it was not until i visited the place that i found it really worthy of the reputation
- 弹无虚发 hit the target every time without a miss; each shot is dead on target.; every shot told.; no shot was wasted.; not a single shot missed its target
- 肺虚发热 fever with lung asthenia
- 箭无虚发 can shoot and never miss; no arrow is shot in vain [wasted].; none of the arrows misses its mark.; not a single arrow missed its target
- 脾虚发黄 splenoasthenic jaundice
- 气虚发热 fever due to deficiency of vital energy; fever due to defiency of vital enrgy
- 气虚发热证 syndrome of fever due to qi deficiency
- 枪无虚发 not a single shot missed its target.; each shot is dead on target
- 虚发警报 cry wolf
- 血虚发痉 hematasthenic convulsion
- 血虚发热 fever caused by blood deficiency; fever due to deficiency of blood; fever due to deficiency of the blood
- 阳虚发热 asthenia yang causing heat; fever due to deficiency of yang; fever due to yang insufficiency
- 阴虚发热 fever due o yin deficiency; fever due to deficiency of yin; fever due to yin deficiency; fever due to yin-dieficiency; fever with yin asthenia
- 不虚装门面的 unostentatious/unpretending; unpretending
- 箭步 a sudden big stride forward 他一个箭步出了房间。 in a big stride he came out of the room
- 箭柄鱼 trumpet fish
- 箭不虚发的韩语:【성어】 화살을 헛되이 쏘지 않다; 매사에 신중을 기하다.
- 箭不虚发什么意思:jiàn bù xū fā 【解释】箭射得准,每发必中 【出处】汉·司马相如《上林赋》:“弓不虚发,应声而倒。” 【拼音码】jbxf 【用法】补充式;作谓语、宾语;形容办事有充分的把握