- 简化 simplify; facilitate; ideali ...
- 摘要 make a summary
- 摘要 1.(摘录要点) make a summary 摘要发表 publish excerpts of sth.2.(摘录下来的要点) summary; abstract; remark; tabloid; scrap; model; roundup; digest; précis; synopsis; résumé; capsule 谈话的摘要 the summary of a talk; 摘要簿 abstract book
- 简化 simplify; facilitate; idealization; dilution; simplification; reducing; simplifying; [自动化] reduction; shortcutting
- 摘要;执行摘要 executive summary
- 抽象;摘要 a tract; abstract
- 缩短;摘要 abridge
- 文摘(摘要) a tract; abstract
- 摘要(续) summary (cont'd)
- 摘要, 概要 summarization
- 摘要,大略 summary
- 摘要,附注 remarks
- 摘要,概要 synopsis
- 摘要,简历 resume
- 摘要,缩编 abridg(e)ment
- 摘要,文摘 digest
- 摘要,小传 resume
- 摘要;简述 summarize
- 摘要;注释 note
- 摘要表 abstract; recapitulation sheet,recapitulation statement; recapitulation statement
- 摘要簿 abstract book
- 摘要的 condensed; resumptive; summary; synoptic
- 摘要地 compendiously
- 摘要法 epitome method
- 摘要栏 description column; remarks column