- 第三次 third time
- 执行 carry out; execute; implemen ...
- 令 order; command; decree
- 执行令 executory order; mandate; writ of execution
- 单次执行 once-run
- 多次执行 multiple
- 死刑执行令 death warrant
- 预先执行令 preliminary injunction
- 职务执行令 writ of mandamus
- 执行令状 elegit; writ of executioh; writ of execution
- 第三次 third time◇第三次合作 enter into cooperation for the third time; 第三次浪潮 the third wave (指信息发展); 第三次谐波 third harmonic
- 发给执行令状 issuance of writs of execution
- 中止执行令状 supersedeas
- 第三次饱充 third saturation
- 第三次采油 tertiary process
- 第三次传票 pluries summons
- 第三次答辩 rebutter
- 第三次定罪 third conviction
- 第三次合作 enter into cooperation for the third time
- 第三次进攻 third down
- 第三次浪潮 the third wave; third-wave
- 第三次色 tertiary colour
- 第三次声波 third sound
- 第三次视线 if you were me 3; pmpavc
- 第三次谐波 third harmonic