On heidegger ' s criticism to descartes 论海德格尔对笛卡尔的批判
The surmounting of heddiger to descartes ' subject - metaphysics 海德格尔对笛卡尔的主体形而上学的克服
On descartes ' theory of imagination 笛卡尔的想象理论研究
He used descartes idea and after making the lens used it himself 他采用了雷内?笛卡尔的创意并用在了自己身上。
Descartes reason discourse 笛卡尔的推理
Both the ontological egoism by descartes and the functional egoism by kant reveal this tendency 无论是笛卡尔的实体性自我,还是康德的功能性自我,都体现着这种确定性追求的努力方向。
The conventional linear and circular interpolation in cartesian ( rectangular ) coordinates were supplemented by polar coordinates and helical interpolation 传统的笛卡尔的线形和环形内插法结合被极坐标和螺旋插补所补充。
The article goes along cartesian train of thoughts , clarifies that while the new mathematics whose commissary is calculus is the new byproduct of " retrieving phenomena " in the western traditional logos , the philosophy of the nature after revival of learning which was greatly influenced by the western logos of tradition has already formed a new effective way of " retrieving phenomena " in west logos from the quantification of the prospect of the world to the mathematication of the philosophy of the nature 全文沿着笛卡尔的“思”路,说明深受西方理性传统影响的文艺复兴时期以来的自然哲学,从世界图景的数量化到自然哲学的数学化,形成西方理性“拯救现象”的新的有效方式,而以微积分为代表的新的数学正是西方传统理性以新的方式“拯救现象”的副产品。