- the cradle in childhood
- the little shake car of childhood
- 童年 childhood
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 小 small; little; petty; minor
- 童年的发明 invention of childhood
- 童年的歌 children's song
- 童年的回忆 childhood memories; memories about childhood; rose-colored times; souvenirs d"aenfance; the recollection of the childhood
- 童年的记忆 childhood memory; memory of childhood
- 童年的快乐 the joys of childhood
- 童年的梦想 childhood dreams; the dream of my childhood
- 童年的朋友 childhood friends
- 童年的记忆 (试听) childhood memory
- children没有童年的儿童 children without
- 都回到童年的村庄 returning to the childhood's home town
- 我童年的交响乐 min fynske barndom
- 相信童年的魔力 b-believe in childhood magic
- 他童年的记忆已经淡漠了 his childhood memories have grown dim
- 特发于童年的情绪障碍 emotional disorder with onset specific to childhood; emotional disorders with onset specifie to childhood; emotionaldisorderswitho et ecifietochildhood
- 童年的回忆充满馨香 memories go back to childhood
- 童年的回忆使我愉快 memories of childhood make me happy
- 童年的梦重又萦绕我心头 br /112.childhood dreams come back to haunt me; childhood dreams come back to haunt me
- 小摇捍 track point
- 小摇椅 lady's rocking chair
- 小摇羽 lesser sickles; smaller sickle
- 童年 childhood◇童年期 boyhood; pueritia; puerite
- 见于童年和青少年的短暂的癔症性障碍 transient hysterical disorders occurring in childhood and adolescence