Make sure you check out the arena fights 确保你已经检查好了竞技场的设备!
Truly unbelievable . the crowd is going nuts here at the arena 难以置信竞技场的观众为之疯狂
Have you had to pick your teeth up yet from the arena floor 你还没有从竞技场的地板上捡起过你的牙吗?
Try trading one of these unforgeable plates and a reflector to a pit attendant 试着把不能加工的底片之一和反射器一起交给竞技场的服务员
Shrill screams of adoration are erupting randomly from the stands at the back of the arena 尖锐的声音崇拜的尖叫声正在竞技场的背面从台子任意地爆发。
Ok , you all know the rules of the arena ! and if you don ' t , listen up and learn fast 好了,你们都知道竞技场的规矩!如果不知道,仔细听好了,然后快点学会!
Queue times for arena matches have been reduced . players will now be able to enter matches faster than previously 竞技场的排队时间减少。玩家们将比之前更快地配对并战斗。
These items range from small pottery vessels for household use to monumental concrete structures like the roman coliseum 使用?围由家用的小陶瓷制品到如罗马竞技场的纪念性建筑。
In olympics packed with drama and intrigue , the swimming venue made as big a splash as any of the competitions 在充满戏剧色彩和勾心斗角的奥运会上,游泳竞技场的热闹气氛并不亚于其他任何一个赛场。
On the reverse , a stylised olympic bowl with a burning flame ( not burning a burning flame ) against the background of a stadium arena 奖牌正面右下角是一座大型竞技场的片断,上方用西里尔文字写着“ 1980年第22届莫斯科奥运会” 。