- 毛 hair; down; feather; fur
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 立毛 piloerection; riloerection
- 立毛肌 arrector muscles of hair; arrector pili muscles; arrectores pilorum muscle; erector muscle of hair; erector pili
- 毛的 capillary; gross; hairy; trichomatic; unfinished; woolen; woollen
- 立毛地毯 tufted carpet
- 立毛反射 pilomotorreflex; trichographism
- 立毛肌,竖毛肌 musculi arrectores pilorum
- 立毛丽蝇 calliphora erectiseta
- 立毛纤维 pilomotorfibers
- 立毛状态 horripilation
- 使竖立毛发 bristle
- 竖毛肌,立毛肌 arrector pilli muscle
- 被毛的, 多毛的 pilous
- 多毛的;多毛的 pilous
- 绵毛的, 绒毛的 tomentose
- 有毛的;多毛的 pilose
- 被毛的 pilose; pilous; tomentose
- 鞭毛的 flagelar; flagellar; flagellate
- 不毛的 arid; barren; desert; furitless; hungry; infecund; jejune; meager; meagre; u roductive; unfruitful; unproductive
- 藏毛的 pilonidal
- 长毛的 dolichotrichus; long-wooled; longhaired; macrocomous; shaggy
- 除毛的 decalvant
- 丛毛的 comose
- 粗毛的 hirtellous; shaggy