- pharyngeal eculum
- pharyngeal speculum
- pharyngoscope
- 窥 peep; spy
- 咽 swallow
- 器 implement; utensil; ware
- 咽镜,窥咽器 pharyngoscope
- 窥一斑可知全豹 by spying a spot, the whole leopard may be inferred.; we may divine the whole from a part.; from the foot we may judge of hercules
- 窥凶杀人 disturbia
- 窥阴症 voyeurism
- 窥心术师,口令 legilimens
- 窥阴癖 inspectionism; scopophilia; voyeurism
- 窥心术 legilimency
- 窥阴癖者 voyeurism
- 窥心事 in the bedroom; what the butler saw
- 窥心杰离 legilimens