- 窗 window
- 龛 niche; shrine
- 窗虻 window flies
- 窗扉栓 window casement bolts
- 窗虻科 omphralidae
- 窗扉横条 lay bar
- 幢 幢名词1.(古代旗子一类的东西) pennant or streamer used in ancient china2.(刻着佛号或经咒的石柱子) a stone pillar inscribed with the buddha's name or the buddhist scriptures
- 窗扉插销 casement window bolt; casementwindowbolt
- 幢幢 (形容影子摇晃) flickering; dancing 人影幢幢 shadows of people moving about
- 窗扉,窗台 casement
- 幢一幢摩天大楼 a skyscraper
- 窗扉 casement