Reiax , popeye . boys wiii be boys , huh 放松点,突眼仔男孩总和男孩一起,嗯?
Advance on the research of endocrine infiltrative exophthalmos treated by traditional chinese medicine 内分泌浸润性突眼症的中医药治疗进展
A 29 - year - old male with a 5 - year - history of hyperthyroidism complained of diplopia and proptosis 摘要一位29岁男性,有5年甲状腺机能亢进病史,主诉有复视和突眼等症状。
Purpose : to report a case of exophthalmos related to frontal and ethmoid sinusitis with subperiosteal abscess 摘要目的:报告一个因额窦与筛窦鼻窦炎及骨膜下脓疡而引起的突眼症病例。
Atrophic corneal ulcer occurred in his right eye , and a partial lateral tarsorrhaphy was done in that eye before referral to out clinic 一名45岁男性病人因长期甲状腺亢进造成突眼及眼睑收缩。
A 45 year - old male patient suffered from a severe proptosis and eyelid retraction due to long - term hyperthyroidism 摘要本文报告一甲状腺突眼症,经鼻腔以内视镜行眼窝减压术合并外侧减压术之成功病例。
Symptoms include unusual weight loss / gain , deteriorating school performance , irritability , hyperactiity and prominent eyes . " only a few children deelop obious symptoms like goitre , " says dr 症状包括:异常的体重减少或增加、课业表现差、易怒、多动和突眼征。