突然 sudden; abrupt; unexpected; suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly 突然失败 come a cropper; 突然离开话题 go [fly] off at a tangent; go off on a tangent; 突然停止 suddenly stop; 这消息实在太突然了。 this news is really much too sudden; 下午天突然下雨了。 in the afternoon it rained suddenly. 如果他今晚突然出现, 我并不感到惊讶。 i shouldn't be surprised if he cropped up this evening.; 突然爆发 flare; flare-up; 突然冲击 jab; 突然事件 emergency; 突然停机 drop-dead halt; 突然停止 check; balking; 突然停住 crash stop; 突然袭击 surprise attack; 突然性 emergentness; 突然转弯 pitchout
贸然行事 go off the deep end 他买下那家饭店的确太贸然行事了。 he surely went off the deep end when he bought that restaurant
行动 1.(行走; 走动) move about; get about 行动不便 have difficulty getting about; 行动缓慢 move slowly; be slow-moving2.(为实现某种意图而活动) act; take action 行动起来 go into action; 行动果断 put one's foot down; 行动小组 action group; 采取行动 take action; begin to act; 正义行动 act of justice; 他没有按我的命令行动。 he did not act upon my order. 让行动来说话吧。 say it with action.3.(行为; 举动) action; operation; behaviour 军事行动 military operations; 实际行动 actual deeds