- 突变 sudden change; change sudden ...
- 斑 spot; speck; speckle; stripe ...
- 变斑晶 metacrystals; phenoblast
- 变斑岩 apoporphyry
- 变斑晶结构 blastoporphyritic texture; porphyroblastic texture
- 变斑脱岩 metabentonite
- 碎屑变斑岩 clastic porphyroid
- 突变 1.(突然急剧的变化) sudden change; change suddenly; transilience; accident; saltation; revulsion; idiovaviation; jump; abrupt change 认识过程中的突变 a sudden change in the process of cognition; 天气突变。 there was a sudden change in the weather.2.[生物学] mutation 自发突变 spontaneous mutation; 突变体 mutant
- 长石质变斑晶 feldspathic porphyroblast
- 次生晶;变斑晶;变晶 metacrystal
- 眼球状变斑晶 augen blast
- 豹岂能改变斑点呢? leopard change his spots
- 突变化突变,增变突变 mutator mutation
- 变斑晶结构 变余斑状结构 blastoporphyritictexture
- q突变 q spoiling; q-spoiled; q-spoiling
- ts突变 ts mutation
- 半突变 half-mutation
- 变异,突变 mutation
- 变种;突变 mutation
- 翅突变 wing mutation
- 大突变 macromutation; major mutation
- 单突变 single mutation
- 点突变 point mutation
- 多突变 multimutation
- 反突变 back mutation