(比喻从中联系) get the thread through the eye of the needle -- act as a go-between [middleman]; act as a matchmaker; act as liaison; pass the thread through the eye of a needle; thread a needle; try to make a match
科学技术协会发挥了穿针引线的作用。 the science and technology association served the function of a go-between
Threading a needle is an art in itself . 穿针引线本身就是一种技巧。
The science and technology association served the function of a go-between . 科学技术协会发挥了穿针引线的作用。
Some trading firms are still operating in their traditional activity of matching buyers with sellers 有些贸易公司仍然经营传统的业务,只为买家和卖家穿针引线。
Some trading firms are still operating in their traditional activity of matching buyers with sellers 有些贸易公司仍然经营传统的业务,只为买家和卖家穿针引线。
The jesuit interlude in china : role of jesuits in science , military technology , and philosophy east and west 天主教耶稣会在中国:耶稣会在东西方科学、军事科技及哲学所扮演穿针引线的角色。
But california ' s size matters ? calpers , one of its pension funds , is the biggest in the country ? and it is inspiring others 但加利福尼亚州的规模影响深远(加州公务员退休系统可是美国最大的一个养老金机构) ,这也对其他州起着穿针引线的作用。
Brother chen was a carpenter by profession , and perhaps it was god s will or master s incredible arrangement that the two brothers should meet at the center . brother chen happily accepted the assignment 陈师兄平日即以装潢为业,两人在桃园小中心巧遇,或许是上帝的旨意,或是师父穿针引线巧妙的安排,陈师兄很欣然接下这项工作。
Legislative councillor representing the accounting sector , eric li , believed that the success of the financial services sector in entering the mainland market or its ability to serve as a facilitator for mainland enterprises to come to hong kong to raise capital could fasten the pace of the accountancy and legal sectors to export their services and hence stimulate the development of the respective industries 降低民企上市风险,中小型会计师行获商机立法会(会计界)议员李家祥认为,金融服务业成功进入内地市场,或为内地企业来港集资穿针引线,可以加快会计界或法律界将服务输出,刺激业界发展;不过他坦言,会计界短期内亦不会一窝蜂地北上发展。
穿针引线的法语:enfiler une aiguille;s'entremettre dans une affaire