- 穷凶极恶 behave in a vicious and unre ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 敌人 enemy; foe
- 穷凶极恶的 satanic
- 穷凶极恶的暴徒 a murderous villain look attack
- 穷凶极恶的, 彻头彻尾的 of the blackest dye
- 穷凶极恶的人,残酷的人。 hellkite
- 一副穷凶极恶的样子 with the look of a fiendish brute
- 穷凶极恶 behave in a vicious and unrestrained way; act outrageously and ferociously; atrocious; be extremely violent and wicked; be extremely [most] ferocious; diabolical; notoriously vicious; sinister [savage] in the extreme; utterly evil; villainous without any redeeming feature; wickedness and evil carried to the utmost possible degree 穷凶极恶的敌人 most vicious enemy; 一副穷凶极恶的样子 with the look of a fiendish brute
- 应处绞刑的犯人;穷凶极恶的人。 gallows bird
- 最凶恶的敌人 the most vicious enemy
- 极恶的 arrant; felonious; flagitious; grievous; miscreant; piacular
- 极恶的人 daimon; demon; fiend
- 我的敌人的敌人 my enemy's enemy
- 凶恶的, 极恶的, 重罪的 felonious
- 暗藏的敌人 a snake in the grass; concealed enemy
- 财团的敌人 enemy of the corporation
- 儿子,我的敌人 pasongsong kyelantak
- 公开的敌人 an open enemy
- 国家的敌人 enemy of the state
- 基督的敌人 antichrist
- 假想的敌人 imaginary enemy
- 确认的敌人 confirmed enemy
- 氏族的敌人 split
- 甜蜜的敌人 the sweet enemy