- magnetic therapy of points
- 穴位 acupuncture point; acupoint
- 磁疗 magnet therapy
- 法 law
- 单纯磁疗法 single magnetic treatment
- 电磁疗法 electromagnetic therapy; electromagnetotherapy
- 耳穴磁疗法 auricular points magnetotherapy
- 穴位疗法 point therapy
- 穴位封闭疗法 point-blocking therapy
- 穴位敷贴疗法 external application therapy
- 穴位埋线疗法 point catgut-embedding therapy; point embedding therapy
- 穴位免疫疗法 point immunization therapy
- 穴位贴敷疗法 point application therapy
- 穴位照射疗法 point-radiation therapy
- 穴位注射疗法 drug injection therapy; point injection therapy; point-injection therapy
- 穴位刺激结扎疗法 point stimulation and ligation therapy; point-stimulation and suture therapy
- 穴位电兴奋疗法 point-electric stimulation therapy
- 穴位性注射疗法 acupunctuce-point injection therapy
- 穴位强刺激疗法,穴位结扎疗法 point ligation therapy
- 红外线穴位照射疗法 acupoint therapy of infra-red ray
- 穴位表面锥形银电疗法 silver spike point therapy
- 磁疗机 magnetic field therapy a aratus; magnetic field therapy apparatus; magnetic machine; magnetic therapy apparatus; magnetism a aratus; magnetism apparatus
- 磁疗室 division of magnetic therapy
- 磁疗仪 magnet therapeutic apparatus; magnetic therapeutic apparatus; magneto therapy a aratus; magneto therapy apparatus
- 磁疗枕 magnetic pillow
- 位磁道 bit track