- ability-to-pay principal of taxation
- 税收 tax revenue
- 量 measure capacity
- 能 ability; capability; skill
- 负担 bear; shoulder
- 原则 principle
- 税收的受益人负担原则 compensation principle of taxation
- 污染者负担原则 polluter pays principle
- 风险分担原则 principle of contribution
- 公平分担原则 principle of equitable burden sharing; principle of equitable burdensharing
- 共同分担原则 pooling principle
- 负担税收 tax loaded; tax loading; tax-loaded
- 税收负担 burden of taxation; tax burden; the capacity of a tax
- 税收负担者 tax bearing
- 污染者承担原则 polluter pays principle
- 能负 can afford sth to do sth
- 税收负担转嫁 shifting of tax burden
- 税收原则 principle of taxation
- 风险分担原则;摊赔原则;分担赔偿原则 principle of contribution
- 量能 kazuyoshi; vol
- 负担能力原则 ability-to-pay principle
- 负担税收;含征税成分 tax-loaded
- 你可能负担得起这这栋房子 you can probably afford this one
- 负担 1.(承当) bear (a burden); shoulder 负担事故的责任 shoulder the responsibility for the accident; 负担费用 bear the expenses; 自己负担大学期间的全部费用 pay one's way through college; 旅费由东道国负担。 all the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country.2.(承受的责任) burden; load; encumbrance; freight 财政负担 financial burden; 家庭负担 family burden (esp. financial); 减轻学生负担 lighten the students' load; 精神[思想] 负担 mental burden; load on one's mind; 工作负担 load of work; work load; 负担法则 (租税) law of incidence; 负担系数 dependency coefficient
- 测量能 measurement energy
- 量能器 lar