稀少 few; rare; scarce; few and far between 人口稀少 a sparse population; 稀少的出席者 a scant attendance; 靠近市郊的地方房屋渐渐稀少。 toward the suburb the houses begin to thin out. 街上行人稀少。 there were few people in the street
Polyhedra with seven vertices are rare . 具有七个顶点的多面体是稀少的。
Some lines are laid on the surface, especially in deserted country . 有的管道线铺设在地面上,特别是在人烟稀少的地区。
One of the properties of life is to take up certain elements that are scarce in the nonliving world . 生命的特征之一是摄取非生命界中某些稀少的元素。
transduction in the salmonellap22 system is a rare event-about one transductant for every phage particles used. 在沙门氏--P22噬菌体体系中,转导是稀少的,大约每噬菌体颗粒才产生一个转导型。
At ten o' olock father drove home along a lonly country road, made his horse comfortable for the night and himself went to bed . 一到十点,父亲就沿着一条人迹稀少的乡间小道骑马回家。安顿好马以后,自己就上床睡觉了。
She walked in fear on the lonesome road 她在一条人迹稀少的路上走著,心里很害怕。
She watched the occasional passers - by . i stood musing 我望着路上稀少的行人,脑子里却杂念丛生。
That ' s rare . - a solitary vireo -很稀少的-一只绿鹃?
A child with a grown - up partiality for rare and expensive foods 一个对稀少的昂贵食物的偏爱不断增长的孩子
Without it , we could not get any success . / nothing could be completed 只有在人口稀少的农村里,才可能不顾及准时。