- 移植 transplant
- 抗 resist; combat; fight
- cdr移植抗体 cdr grafted antibody
- 移植抗体 grafted antibody; transplantation antigen
- 移植抗原 t antigen; transplantation antigen
- 诱导移植抗原 induced transplantation antigen
- 异嗜性移植抗原 heterophil transplantation antigen; heterophile transplantation antigen
- 肿瘤特异移植抗原 specific tumor transplantation antigen; tsta
- 肿瘤相关移植抗原 tata; tumor associated transplantation antigen; tumor-associated transplantation antigen; tumour-associated transplantation antigen
- 黑素瘤特异性移植抗原 melanoma specific transplantation antigen
- 抗移植抗原同种免疫 isoimmunization against transplantation antigen
- 声波溶解的移植抗原 sonically solubilized transplantation antigen
- 肿瘤特异性移植抗原 tsta=tumor specific transplantation antigen; tumor-specific transplantation antigen (tsta); tumor-specifictransplantationantigentsta; tumour specific transplantation antigen
- 组织相容性抗原,移植抗原 tansplantation antigen
- 移植 1.[农业] (移苗) transplant 移植秧苗 transplant seedlings; 有些植物不宜移植。 some plants do not transplant well.2.[医学] (机体移植) transplanting; grafting; removal 肾脏移植 a kidney transplant; 心脏移植 a heart transplant
- 接种;移植;移植 inoculat
- 移植物,移植片 graft; tra lant
- 移植者, 移植机 transplanter
- 移植者,移植机 transplanter
- acb移植 acb graft
- 鼻移植 graft of nose
- 比移植 rf
- 肺移植 lung tra lantation; lung transplantation
- 肝移植 liver tra lantation; liver transplantation; transplantation of liver
- 核移植 nuclear transfer; nuclear transplantation; nucleus transplantation; transplantation of nucleus