

  • scientific law



  • 例句与用法
  • To innovate effective approaches to educating probationary party members among college students by observing laws of psychology
  • The basic characteristic of technological innovation is the first achievement of commercial value , whereas the basic goal of the innovation of the science and technology is to discover the law of the world , and human being use the law to found new technology
  • Instead of the elaborately planned campaign of attack , in accordance with the principles of the modern science of strategy , the plan of which had been communicated to kutuzov during his sojourn in vienna by the austrian hofkriegsrath , the sole aimalmost a hopeless onethat remained now for kutuzov was to avoid losing his army , like mack at ulm , and to effect a junction with the fresh troops marching from russia
  • They must view the world with broad vision , acquire a correct understanding of the requirements of the times and be good at thinking on a theoretical plane and in a strategic perspective so as to improve their ability of sizing up the situation in a scientific way . they must act in compliance with objective and scientific laws , address promptly the new situation and problems in reform and development , know how to seize opportunities to accelerate development and enhance their abilities of keeping the market economy well in hand . they must correctly understand and handle various social contradictions , know how to balance the relations among different interests , overcome difficulties and go on improving their ability of coping with complicated situations
  • This paper aims to explore systematically some scientific principles of resource - based cities from their formation and development to contabescence or transformation in the context of theories of resource life cycle and sustainable development . it also discusses the scientific issues of connotation , models and transformation mechanism of resource - based cities , makes an integrated assessment on their sustainable and renewable capiabilities of those cities and brings out several measures and policies for the transformation of resource - based cities in china
  • Large range micro - manipulator is still on experiment , without many successive prototypes . the low drive force , low precession , and low stability are the biggest obstacle to the application . however , all the defections are the result of the lack of study on the drive principle
  • 推荐英语阅读
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