结论 1.[逻辑学] (从推理的前提中推出来的判断) conclusion (of a syllogism)2.(最后的论断) conclusion; verdict; epilog; epilogue 匆忙下结论 jump to a conclusion; 得出结论 draw a conclusion; come to a conclusion; 历史的结论 a verdict of history; 公正的结论 a just conclusion; 相反的结论 the opposite conclusion; 得出合情合理的结论 arrive at a rational conclusion; 陪审团作出了对他有利的结论。 the verdict of the jury was given in his favour. 你不该轻率地乱下结论。 you should not jump at conclusion
The induction from supposition to scientific conclusion 由假设猜想到科学结论的归纳法
The epd devoted a great many resources to conducting the epidemiological studies that would establish a sound scientific basis for the programme 所述,环保署进行了流行病学研究,建立可靠的科学结论作为基础,以推行泳滩水质监测计划。
But many plant researchers say that mr . dimas ignored scientific conclusions , including those of several researchers who advised the european union that the new corn was safe 许多植物研究人员则表示,狄马斯对科学结论视若无睹,有些研究人员向欧盟所提新种玉米安全无虞的建议,他也置之不理。
The measurement geography is the geography methodology discipline , it utilizes mathematics method and the computer technology , the analysis nature and human geography each kind of essential factor , obtains the related geography research the scientific conclusion 摘要计量地理学是地理学的方法论学科,它运用数学方法和计算机技术,分析自然和人文地理的各种要素,获得有关地理研究的科学结论。
It consists of value main body , value objective , value judge ' s transformation and so on . part three : it analyzes the process that the present young ' s human life value evolves , and the reason that the present young transform their human life value orientation . on the basis of it , the article succeed in obtaining the scientific conclusion 第一大部分简要地介绍了人生价值取向的概念、特点,人生价值取向的选择规律及研究当代青年人生价值取向问题的现实意义;第二部分,分析了当代青年人生价值取向的基本趋势,主要从人生价值主体、人生价值目标、人生价值判断标准、人生价值目标实现途径、人生价值认知与人生价值行为等五个方面来论述;第三部分,分析了当代青年人生价值取向演变的历程和原因,进而得出了当代青年人生价值取向演变趋势的科学结论。