The hksi is organising a two - day international scientific symposium between 24 - 25 february 2006 体院将于二零零六年二月廿四至廿五日举办国际科学研讨会。
Speaking engagements : i give an average of 15 - 20 invited talks per year at scientific conferences and universities 演讲预约:我每年平均应邀在科学研讨会和大学演讲15 - 20次。
The 6th world chinese conference on geological sciences amp; amp; annual meeting of 2005 of the geological society of china , aug . 26 29 , 2005 , chifeng , inner mongolia 第六届世界华人地质科学研讨会暨中国地质学会2005年学术年会于赤峰市召开
The third sino - us front line sciences seminar was held in bakerman academic center in california and over 70 chinese and american scientists attended the seminar 第三届中美前沿科学研讨会在美国加州贝克曼学术中心举行,共有70多位中美科学家参加。
In video clips shown at a science conference , collett showed that bush bites the inside of his mouth if he gets distressed while blair raises his eyebrows when he is trying to look agreeable 柯列特在一个科学研讨会上播放的片段显示,布希不开心的时候,会咬嘴巴内侧;布雷尔则会在想要看起来可爱时挑眉。
C . l . chen , c . j . pan : semidiurnal behavior of quasi - periodic echoes in the mid - altitude es region with the chung - li vhf radar , agu 2000 fall meeting , san francisco , california , dec 15 - 19 , 2000 陈中亮、蔡雯君、潘贞杰:中坜特高频雷达对电离层散块e层不规则体的观测与研究, 2002地球系统科学研讨会, 20026 / 3 - 4
The hksi is organising an international scientific symposium on 24 - 25 february 2006 , focusing on the planning and integration of systematic recovery programming , targeting the needs of athletes and coaches within the asia - pacific region . visit the symposium website 体院将于二零零六年二月廿四至廿五日举行一个国际科学研讨会,主题是探讨如何制定及整合一些有系统的运动恢复计划,以切合亚太地区教练及运动员的需要。
The hksi is organising an international scientific symposium on 24 - 25 february 2006 , focusing on the planning and integration of systematic recovery programming , targeting the needs of athletes and coaches within the asia - pacific region . please visit the symposium website 体院将于二零零六年二月廿四至廿五日举行一个国际科学研讨会,旨在探讨在亚太地区如何策划及协调一些有系统的运动恢复项目,以切合教练及运动员的需要。