advances in science help all humanity
科学 science; scientific knowledg ...的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...进步 advance; progress; improve; ...有助于 contribute to; be conducive ...科学的进步 science and progress有助于 contribute to; be conducive to; conduce to 他们的发明有助于电气工程学的发展。 their inventions have contributed to the development of electrical engineering. 体育锻炼有助于增强体质。 exercise is conducive to good health科学技术的进步 advancement of science and technology全人类 universe便于, 有助于 militate in favor of大大有助于 go far towards大有助于 go far toward为了,有助于 towards引起,有助于 conduce有助于,促成 contribute to有助于,有利 make for有助于打球 assisting with play有助于的 instrumental有助于复元 restorntive有助于握杆 assistance in gripping增加,有助于,促成 redound走向,驶向;有助于 make for走向,有助于 make for他们的发明有助于电气工程学的发展 their inventions have contributed to the development of electrical engineering轰杀全人类 action - q2为了全人类 for all mankind
Advances in science help all humanity .科学的进步有助于全人类 。