The abstract method and the design idea of separating presentation , control , business and data access founded deeply for enhancing system efficiency , implement and reusing Watool分离表示、控制、业务和数据存取的系统设计思想和高度科学的抽象方法,为提高系统效率,实现设计与复用奠定了良好的基础。
To our ancestors and to foreigners , such knowledge was - - or is - - a matter of direct experience , and this knowledge is reliable if in the course of their direct experience the requirement of " scientific abstraction " , spoken of by lenin , was - - or is - - fulfilled and objective reality scientifically reflected , otherwise it is not reliable 这些知识在古人在外人是直接经验的东西,如果在古人外人直接经验时是符合于列宁所说的条件“科学的抽象” ,是科学地反映了客观的事物,那末这些知识是可靠的,否则就是不可靠的。