- 科学普及 scientific popularization
- 片 a flat,thin piece; slice; fl ...
- 科学普及 popular science
- 科学普及读物 popular science books
- 科学普及协会 scientists institute for public information
- 科学普及出版社 popular science press
- 中国科学普及出版社 china popular science press
- 中国地质学会科学普及委员会 national committee for dissemination of geological knowledge
- 国际科学普及和校外科学活动发展协调委员会 international co-ordinating committee for the presentations of science and the development of out-of-school sicentific activities
- 大众普及科学 science for public understanding
- 普及科学技术 popularize science and technology
- 普及科学知识 disseminate science; popularize science
- 科学知识的普及 the extension of scientific knowledge
- 普及 1.(普遍推广) popularize; disseminate; spread 科学普及片 an instructive film; 在普及的基础上提高 the raising of standards based on popularization; 首先我们应普及初等教育。 first of all we should make primary education universal. 普及文化科学是头等重要的。 it is of first importance to spread cultural and scientific knowledge among the people.2.(普遍地传到) universal; popular; 普及版 a trade edition; 普及本 popular edition; 普及初中教育 make junior middle school education universal; 普及教育 universal education; 普及小学教育 popularization of primary education; universal elementary education; 普及义务教育 popularization of compulsory education
- 普及科普知识,传播科学 popularize scientific and technological knowledge, spread
- 刘学普 liu xuepu
- 普及科普知识,传播科学思想,倡导科学精神 popularize scientific and technological knowledge, spread scientific thought and advocate the scientific spirit
- 普及文化科学是头等重要的 it is of first importance to spread cultural and scientific knowledge among the people. universal
- 中国科学技术普及创作协会 chinese association of popular science writers
- 中国科学技术普及及创作协会 chinese association of popular science writers
- 普及本, 普及版 popular edition
- 普及,推广 popularize
- 普及;流行 popularity
- 普及版 cheap edition; common edition; general edition; learning edition; popular edition
- 普及本 a popular edition; popular edition