科学文化素质 cultural and secientific quality; kulturelle und wissenschaftliche qualitt (od. qualifikation ); scientific and cultural quality; scientific and educational level
科学文化组织 alesco arab league educational scientific and cultural organization
联合国教育科学文化组织 united nation educational scientific and culture organization, unesco; united nation educational scientific and culture organization,unesco
Article 6 the state shall disseminate scientific and technological knowledge to raise the scientific and cultural level of all the citizens 第六条国家普及科学技术知识,提高全体公民的科学文化水平。
Only a broad mass base can generate the continued flow of talents which can help raise the scientific and cultural level of the chinese nation as a whole 在广泛的群众基础上,才能不断涌现出杰出人才。也只有有了成批的杰出人才,才能带动我们整个中华民族科学文化水平的提高。
Only by acquiring a higher level of scientific and general knowledge , richer experience in production and more advanced skills can the worker expand his role in modern production 劳动者只有具备较高的科学文化水平,丰富的生产经验,先进的劳动技能,才能在现代化的生产中发挥更大的作用。
Labor which can create value needs three conditions . the first is the working fruit is production ; the second is that production need consuming labor ; the third is that production need be exchanged . according to this standard , we think that the circulation department and service department as well as culture department of the third industry are the creating value departments , but the commonality service department ca n ' t create value 本文认为,劳动创造价值的条件是劳动的成果以产品形式存在、产品的生产要消耗一定的劳动、产品是用来交换的;运用这一标准,认为第三产业中流通部门、为生产生活服务部门、为提高科学文化水平和居民素质服务部门的劳动是创造价值的,而为社会公共服务部门的劳动是不创造价值的。