科威特国家石油公司 knpc; kuwait national petroleum co. k.s.c; kuwait national petroleum co., k.s.c; kuwait national petroleum company; kuwait national petroleum corporation
内蒂维内夫特石油公司 netivei neft oil co; netiweineft oil co
科威特国外石油勘探公司 kufpec; kuwait foreign petroleum exploration co
Earlier this year a report in petroleum intelligence weekly suggested that kuwait ' s state - run kuwait petroleum corporation ( kpc ) was not providing a full picture of how much oil it had 今天早些时候; >上发表了一篇文章指出科威特的国营科威特石油公司( kpc )并没有提供其石油储备量的真实情况。
Earlier this year a report in petroleum intelligence weekly suggested that kuwait ' s state - run kuwait petroleum corporation ( kpc ) was not providing a full picture of how much oil it had 今天早些时候< <美国石化信息周刊> >上发表了一篇文章指出科威特的国营科威特石油公司( kpc )并没有提供其石油储备量的真实情况。