The world is a ladder for some to go up and some down 世界好像是一把梯子,有人向上爬,有人往下跑。有人挂冠归故里,有人临夜赶科场。
The addition of examination poems in the imperial examinations in the qing dynasty and its reasons 清代科场加试试帖诗之始末及原因探析
The influence of pu songling ' s destiny of imperial civil examination on the works with the theme of seeking wealth and becoming prosperous 科场命运对蒲松龄创作求财致富题材作品的影响
The imperial examination hall is where all the talented girls , who were actually flower - fairies incarnate in the story , sat the ministerial examination . here , you can test your knowledge about mirror reflections and their applications 科场是小说中众才女上京赴考的地方,你可以在这里测试自己对镜像物理的认识和应用。
The imperial examination hall is where all the talented girls , who were actually flower - fairies incarnate in the story , sat the ministerial examination . here , you can test your knowledge about mirror reflections and their applications 科场是小说中众才女上京赴考的地方,你可以在这里测试自己对镜像物理的认识和应用。