

  • genecology
  • population ecology



  • 例句与用法
  • Experimental population ecology of carcelia matsukarehae shima diptera : tachinidae
  • Study on population ecology of small mammal in an abandoned landfill using mark and recapture method
  • Genecology the study of ecological genetics , or population genetics in relation to environment
    遗传生态学(种群生态学) :是一门研究生态遗传或种群遗传与环境关系的学科。
  • Logistic model is one of core theory in population ecology . it almost the only model to describle population growth for about one hundred
    Logistic模型是种群生态学的核心理论之一。 100多年来,它几乎是描述种群s型增长的唯一数学模型。
  • Dezhi li , s . takahashi ( 2003 ) particularities of clonal plant species induced by physiological integration . grassland science . grassland science 49 ( 4 ) . japan
    李德志等( 2003 )植物种群生态学与遗传学分支的成功整合生态学杂志22 ( 6 ) .科学出版社
  • Nevertheless , the logistic equation was not far from precise , but after a hunderd years , it was still an important and widely applied model in ecology
  • Form . taxus chinensis var . mairei is protecting plant in the first class , which is a precious and endangering plant in china in this paper , the quantitative characterics of form . taxus chinensis vsr . mairei population including age structure , spatial distribution pattern , growth dynamics of tree basal area , niche characterics , fractal dimension and competition between specises were studied using methods of mathematics ecology from the angle of population ecology of form . taxus chinensis var . mairei , then the prent state and the endangering causes were analysed . this research offers gist to protecting and enlarging the crude resourse of form . taxus chinensis vsr . mairei population , afforesting plantation and sustainable utilize for us
    本文从南方红豆杉种群生态学的角度、主要应用数学生态学的方法探讨南方红豆杉种群的数量特征,包括南方红豆杉种群年龄结构、种群空间格局(探讨分布格局动态规律与生境相互关系) 、不同立地条件下种群优势度增长趋势、生态位宽度、生态位相似比例、生态位重叠、空间占据能力及种间竞争等,分析其目前现状及濒危原因,期望为南方红豆杉野生资源的保护和扩大、营造人工林及可持续利用提供理论基础,也为濒危植物种群生态学的研究提供参考。
  • In jinyun , beibei , chongqing . with the helps of various statistical analyses we studied the composition , species diversity and liaison between species in the communities in which s . tsinyunensis distributed , as well as the niche , distribution pattern , modular structure of the populations . the result shows as folio wings : there are 78 species of 70 genera in 47 families of higher plants in the communities in which s . tsinyunensis distributed
    本文运用植物群落学、种群生态学及多种数量统计分析方法,对缙云黄芩全分布区的群落组成、物种多样性、物种间联结性、种群生态位、种群分布格局及构件种群进行了研究,结果如下: 1 )缙云黄芩种群分布的群落中有高等植物78种,分属47科70属。
  • Of the species , . characters of ecology , reproductive biology , genetic diversity , population genetic structure , endangering mechanisms , and sampling strategy have been studied in view of conservation biology . the results may be summarized as follows : by field investigation , we found that the localities recorded for four specimens of d . versipellis and d . pleiantha had disappeared , and most of the present populations are located in protected subforests . the distributional range of d . versipellis has also been reduced greatly , evidently , the number of present populations has decreased , the resources are reduced sharply , and the species are clearly endangered
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