In a breeder farm or privately - owned stock farm , the constitution of female livestock is believed to be a significant factor to expand the breeder business at larger size 在一个种畜场或自繁自育畜牧场,能否发展壮大,关键取决于母畜体质状况,母畜体质欠佳,直接影响产仔数量和发展规模。
About 45 trainees participated in this training session among whom were leaders from 16 relevant institutions such as the sichuan grassland science academy , the longri breeder farm , aba prefecture , ganzi prefecture , parts of liangshan prefecture , the county animal husbandry institute , the farm and animal husbandry bureau and the relevant township and towns , technology extension workers and herdsmen representatives 包括四川省草原科学研究院省日种畜场阿坝州甘孜州凉山州的部分州县畜科所农牧局乡镇共计16个单位的相关领导技术推广人员及牧民代表共45位学员参加了此次培训。