- 种植 plant; grow; raise; cultivat ...
- 牙 tooth
- 与 take part in; participate in
- 骨 bone
- 结合 combine; unite; integrate; l ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 种植牙 implant
- 种植牙周膜 implant periodontal membrane
- 骨结合 juncturae ossium
- 结合的 associated; assoziativ associative; banded; bonded; bound; coalescent; coherent; combination; combinative; conjoint; conjugal; conjugated; conjunctive; connected; consolidated; copulative; incorporated; integrating; integrative; joint
- 结合的, 聚合的 conjunct
- 联合的,结合的 combind
- 跟骨结合 coalition of calcaneus
- 颅骨结合 cranial synchondrosis; juncturae ossium cranii
- 颅软骨结合 synchondroses craniales; synchondrosis arycorniculata
- 盆肢骨结合 junctur ossium extremitatis pelvin
- 软骨结合 cartilaginea junctura; chondrosyndesmus; junctura cartilaginea; symphysis cartilapinosa; synchondroses; synchondrosis; synhondrosis
- 胸骨结合 sternal synchondroses, synchondroses sternales
- 胸肢骨结合 junctur ossium extremitatis thoracic
- 桡肱骨结合 radiohumeral synostosis; rhs
- 骺软骨结合 epiphyseal synchondrosis; synchondroses cranii
- 髋骨结合 junctura ossium extremitatis pelvinae; ossium extremitatis pelvinae juncturae
- 植牙 tooth implantation
- 柄胸软骨结合 manubriosternal synchondroses
- 蝶筛软骨结合 sphenoethmoidal synchondroses