The attractive white and pink flowers would make the plant a potential ornamental species 此外,本种株形和花色均美丽,为一有开发价值的野生花卉。
Prevalence of staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa in indoor air flora of a district hospital , mandya , karnataka 巴基斯坦克拉蚩港蔓蒂地区医院室内种株之金色葡萄球菌及绿脓杆菌盛行率调查。
The variance of seed setting density and 1000 - seed weight of the different diploid seed plants is highly significant , but it is not significant in the different source of the same line 不同品系的二倍体种株材料在结实密度和千粒重之间的差异性也分别达到0 . 01的极显著水平,但同一材料的不同母根之间差异性是不显著的。
Nci - h1155 , a human non - small - cell lung cancer line , was employed in a paclitaxel - dependent synthetic lethal screen designed to identify gene targets that specifically reduce cell iability in the presence of otherwise sublethal concentrations of paclitaxel Nci - h1155作为一种人类非小细胞肺癌的种株,可运用其在依赖紫杉醇杀伤性药物合成过程中设计鉴别出靶基因,从而特异性减少未达到杀伤性致死量的紫杉醇药物作用后肿瘤细胞仍存活的数量。
The treatments in rice include combination of 3 levels of applied fertilizers and 3 spacings ( 20 15 , 15 15 , 15 10 cm ) with and without green manuring and in groundnut , 2 population density ( 30 15 , 15 15 ) and 9 levels of applied fertilizers including with and without sulphur 水稻的处理包括3个施肥水平和三种株行距( 20 15 , 15 15 , 15 10厘米)施或不施绿肥的组合,花生则为两种密度, ( 30 15 , 15 15 )和九种施肥水平,其中包括施或不施用硫的组合。