Your creative text should be an autobiographical narrative that describes your emergence into an ethnicity 你的创意剧本应是自传体的叙述,描绘你在种族特性中的体验。
In the second of this article i listed the five causes about why the issue of quebec has been existing so long time : the most important cause of the issue of quebec is the intense desire of keeping and persisting the speciality of the france origins in the british origins dominating society ; the culture conflict based on language is imbued with the whole process of quebec issue ; the issue of quebec interweaving with constitution crisis is a important stimulative factor ; the defect in the system of the canada federation affords chance for the rapid development of the issue of quebec ; the change of economic status accelerate the quebec separate trend 本文第二部分概括出魁北克问题长期存在的五方面原因:在英裔占主导地位的社会中,使法裔的种族特性得以保持和延续的强烈愿望是魁北克问题的主要原因;以语言为载体的文化冲突贯穿于整个过程;魁北克问题与加拿大宪法危机相互交织是重要刺激因素;加拿大联邦制自身的结构缺陷为魁北克问题愈演愈烈提供了可乘之机;魁北克经济地位的变迁加剧了其分离的倾向。