- 种族 race
- 法 law
- 时代 times; age; era; epoch
- 属人法时代 period of personal law
- 正法时代 proper dharma age
- 家族法 family method
- 蛮族法 leges barbarorum; leges ronanae barbaricae; legesronanaebarbaricae
- 末法时 period of decay and termination lasting 10 years. the
- 像法时 semblance period of 1 years and then by the
- 正法时 is also known as
- 部族法院 native court
- 魔族法师 aggron - ogre magi
- 德鲁兹族法院 druze court
- 时代 1.(时期)times; age; era; epoch 时代潮流 the tendency of the day; the trend of the times; 时代使命感sense of time mission; 划时代的大事 the epoch-making event; 开辟航海新时代open (up) an new era of navigation: 过渡时代 transitional era; 远古时代 ancient [remote] epochs; 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成熟的时代。the renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement.2.(生命中的某个时期)a period in one's life:青年时代youth; 时代性 epochal character; 时代主流 mainstream of the times
- 乘法时间 multiplication time; multiply time; product time; time,multiplication
- 乘法时间链 multiply time chain
- 除法时间 divide time; division time
- 方法时要 clone()
- 合法时间 legal time
- 加法时间 add time; addition time
- 加减法时间 time add-substract
- 减法时间 subtract time
- 施法时间 casting time
- 在释法时 in an interpretation of the territory's constitution